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Messages - Iain

New Members Say Hi! / Re: Mk 2 GTi recommissioning
thanks Monkey, I've ordered a fuel lift pump and a fuel filter from Autodoc, I'll see what delivery and parts are like. 👍 Certainly prices are very competitive.
New Members Say Hi! / Re: Mk 2 GTi recommissioning
thanks SCS,  my first job is getting the fuel system sorted. Unfortunately left fuel in the tank too long and looking at the lift pump the rubber parts have disintegrated. Will need need to sort out the hoses, sender unit and fit a new fuel pump. Parts seem to be in short supply these days, can you recommend any good suppliers for fuel system parts, etc ?
New Members Say Hi! / Mk 2 GTi recommissioning
Hi all, my name is Iain and I'm putting my 1987 GTi back on the road after over 20 years off the road. She's been garaged so in general good condition. Looking for advice, etc and hopefully be able to contribute to your forum.