Hi, So am finally getting round to sorting the inner door membranes which needs replacing, have seen this on eBay: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271083907910?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=fPRKMx1CSG6&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=_FwUTaT3RDa&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY it says it's genuine but I'm pretty sure it isn't would this be better than the clear plastic sheeting people tend to use?
Any advice or recommendations please let me know 🙂.
I used something similar but It was a cheaper version and secured it with double sided tape [I found gorilla tape very effective].
Did yours originally have clear plastic sheeting? And how long ago did you do it? Just trying to find the solution that lasts the longest.
Mine had been bodged with a bit of plastic sheet. I changed mine about 3 years ago so far so good but it does not get wet very often.
Thanks for this, the inner membranes from the factory were plastic sheeting so it isn't a "bodge" as such, more that's what people replace it with as that's how they originally were. I know some models had like a foam backing instead, but most had plastic sheeting from the factory.
I know what you mean about the plastic liner that is no longer available. The image you have is what is used now.
I used milky/clear rubble bags cut open and fitted baggy. I used double-sided tape to fix and added a flap to divert drips away from the bottom edge.
When I do it again....and I will.
- Use rubble bags again.
- Look to position the extra flap differently (it has a gap where the window mech attaches to the inner skin so water could breach). I hear some have it almost full height stopping any drips getting to the inner.
- Use something that means I can remove the membrane and reinstate without ruining it.