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Topic: funny spark issue (Read 544 times) previous topic - next topic

funny spark issue

Hello carrots, planets, boys an girls ,or what ever you identify as lol

finally got round to putting some serious time in on the mk2 gti this week, an im now at the stage of starting it. How ever when i turn the ignition on, i have spark on the plug nearest the ccambelt end. an only when ignition is switched on for the 1st time. then nothing on any of the plugs when im cranking, including the one that showed life, thou im assuming its only shorting out on ignition on

i would like to add, only thing. i havent put back on the golf is there alternator, thou i dont think this would stop it sparking ?
i have no imobilzer that im aware off, my cap an leads are ok, but again assuming i get a single spark there possibly not the issue

Re: funny spark issue

Reply #1
Hi on another forum someone had a similar problem. He finally solved the issue he found the coil was at fault.

Re: funny spark issue

Reply #2
Hi on another forum someone had a similar problem. He finally solved the issue he found the coil was at fault.

sadly i dont think its a spark issue now, tonight i decided to take a little look into the engine a little further, noticed the rotor arm was still in same postion so i thought i will try turning engine by hand to see if rotor moves. turns out it does, but my enginenot turning over fully, comes to a complete stop, i can turnit backwards to a almost same fixed point, as if something has trully failed inside the engine

Re: funny spark issue

Reply #3
If I understand you your rotor does not rotate when turning the engine over on the starter motor? I would remove the distributor and see if the drive is ok.


Re: funny spark issue

Reply #4
if i could upload pictures it may help, basically now on a deeper investagation an time with the car. The engine doesnt fully turn over, turns clock wise to a certain point an then back towards a certain point. removed an timed cambelt up, still the same thing. knowing it was a non interferece engine, i then decided to remove belt an try just crank, spins over a treat. How ever same cant be said for the camshaft. i then removed some parts, took rocker cover off, only to find i have 2 stuck lifters

Have left to soak overnight, an checking back a few mins later 1 of the lifters had popped up as i closed the bonnet down, i dont think i shall get lucky twice, so have sourced an engine an will consider rebuilding this one much later