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Topic: water pump and thermostat exchange (Read 535 times) previous topic - next topic

water pump and thermostat exchange

in the city, the 90hp engine gets 3/4 hot.
could it be the waterpump or the thermostat ?

according to carwiki,
the pump should be exchanged every 120 000 to 175 000 km.

the previous owner already bought replacement parts,
which he gave me with the car.

one on your side did a nice youtube explainer about the water pump exchange.
unfortunately, one of his bolts have been braking, but he was able to save it.

can i drive the car with probably slight overheating
or is it so bad, that i should immediately go to the shop ?
are there hints i should not miss before i start ?
how much tension should be ob the pulley after reassembling it all ?

Re: water pump and thermostat exchange

Reply #1
Make sure the thermostat is opening and the fan is cutting in as it should.  There is no harm replacing the thermostat and the water pump, but it may not fix the problem.  I had a GL 1.8 golf that did the same, the gauge always showed the temp at 3/4 quarters when the engine was fully warmed up, but it never over heated and I put it down to an inaccurate gauge.


Re: water pump and thermostat exchange

Reply #2
I'm sure you are probably aware, but if you are changing the pump make sure you also replace the plastic elbow on the bottom as these often warp during use and never reseal to a new pump.

Have you changed the heater matrix? If you have bypass valves and blown matrix the small pipes in the bypass can get clogged up stopping the cooling system from working properly