CL Track Car Build. April 09, 2021, 08:33:43 PM Ive owned this mk2 golf since january 2018. It was my first car. Until fairly recently i was only modifed a small amount. Not long after my dad brought a 16v gti and wanted to keep it standard i decided to modify my cl. I want to make it as fast it not quicker than 16v gti but using the 1.6 engine it has. this is how my golf looked when i got it. I will add more to this thread over the next few weeks. Just a little insight the last 0-60 i did on my cl was 8.9 seconds. i have 0-60 the gti at 8 seconds so im very happy with how it performing pre setup at the moment.[attachment deleted by admin due to attachment age] Last Edit: April 09, 2021, 08:35:56 PM by Mark Wagar 2 Likes
Re: CL Track Car Build. Reply #2 – April 09, 2021, 10:37:24 PM This was a well sorted car even before the major modifications began, so looking forward to how this all pans out.