I'm torquing about stainless bolts!
Trusty Haynes manual says that rear engine mount bolts on the driver side (7 of them - 4 to the crankcase and 3 to the top of the rubber) should be done up to 33ft pounds with oiled threads.
I did that okay at first, but then vanity took over and I pulled them out and replaced them with nicer shinier stainless bolts. On tightening these bolts felt far more ductile and I've stopped before I got to 33 ft/lb (I reckon i'm at around 25),. They feel like they are plateauing and just not feeling like they are getting tighter as quick as i'd like them to feel at that stage. Should I stop where I am at about 25 ( I guess), or should I go on and see if they go buttery. Or should I go back to the old bolts?. Views, please?!