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Topic: Wing mirror cap (type 19 w quarterlights) (Read 724 times) previous topic - next topic

Wing mirror cap (type 19 w quarterlights)

Don’t suppose anyone has the little black plastic cap that sits over the screws that hold the wing mirror on, for a “type 19” car?
Mine has mirrors that are adjustable from the inside, but not electrically (strange caveat but I’ve seen mirrors that have no internal adjustment at all).
If anyone has one or two, I’m interested  :) 

Re: Wing mirror cap (type 19 w quarterlights)

Reply #1
I have some

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Re: Wing mirror cap (type 19 w quarterlights)

Reply #3
Many thanks Eddypeck for the info. You’re defo right, I have another pair of mirrors without cable adjustment (came with the car) and the caps weren’t interchangeable.
I’ve now sourced the correct parts though, thanks again Eagle!