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Topic: Door pin pull collar (Read 842 times) previous topic - next topic

Door pin pull collar

Hi all. I was doing a job on the Golf over the weekend and had taken the door cards off, when I found a bit of black plastic that looked like it should sit on the top of door card, around the ‘Golf tee’ that you push down to lock the doors. EBay has them listed as ‘door pin pull collars’.

Does anyone have these on their car?

I was pleased to find it, it looks smart, but doesn’t stay put. I put it into the right place but it seems to attach itself to the ‘Golf tee’, rather than the door card - so every time I unlock the door, it parts company with the door card. Possibly because my door cards aren’t in great nick so don’t hold it in place properly, I wonder if some super glue might help. Should it just clip into place and stay put?


Re: Door pin pull collar

Reply #2
Thanks Eddypeck! (Again!  :)) )
That’s exactly the part I was talking about. Yours seems to fit perfectly  8) guess I will see what some superglue can do for mine. Shame nobody sells new door cards (far as I can tell), suspect they’d have some good business.

Re: Door pin pull collar

Reply #3
One of my life hacks is painting the backs of the door cards with weatherproof varnish. Apply liberally (but not too wet as you don't want it to soak through to the material, and be careful at the edges) and it soaks into the card a little to bond the surface, then further coats build up a waterproof protection. It sets/drys forming a hard surface so is good to reinforce the arm rest area if is't started to get a bit soft.

If not already too badly water damaged the bottom edge can often be saved too.

If need be this can be strengthened with some paper in layers, like Papier-mâché or if you need to go next level, some fibreglass matting.

Be warned, this time of year it can take days to try properly, even indoors.

Re: Door pin pull collar

Reply #5
Thanks so much for the info! Appreciate it.

As it happens, I have already done the glue on the backs to keep them solid - probably inspired by Eddypeck a few years ago! It seems to have worked (although clearly the hole for the door lock pin is the wrong size / shape, so they’re not perfect)

I had the door cards off again to fix a window mech and change the plastic sheeting which I was using as a door membrane. Swapped the sheeting for some OEM foam, bought it off eBay and cut it to size. Hard to tell, but I do think it has made the car quieter on the move! Also it has stopped the rustling of plastic when I drop the driver’s window, because I’ve fitted it properly this time.