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Topic: small bumper - front bumper cover (Read 909 times) previous topic - next topic

small bumper - front bumper cover

Hi all, just to check i am not over complicating things. We have a 1988 small bumper, GL. Yesterday the front bumper cover fell off! indicators, bumper bar, bumper lower (with the towing hitch cover) etc all stayed in place. Here's my problem logic : Looks like on one side , the circular guide has broken off the body, allowing the bumper to twist downwards and release the clips to the bottom edge of the bumper beam.
My question is..once i;ve replaced the guide, does the cover simply clip into the beam on the central hole clips and the lower edge clips (moulded into the bumper cover) or are there additional fixings? looks too simple?

Re: small bumper - front bumper cover

Reply #1
It just clips on; I say just, I had to get mine warm and some clips required compressing with a pair of pliers or levering with a screw driver. 
Are the clips still there, there are loads of them?  I had two of us wrestling mine to get the cover off, it really did not want to come off.

Re: small bumper - front bumper cover

Reply #2
Thanks for the help, i can see moulded clips along the bottom edge of the cover and  two sided clip opposite holes alongthe centre line of the bumper beam. I might take the beam off and fit the beam to the cover, with the cover on the floor

Re: small bumper - front bumper cover

Reply #3
Thanks for the help, i can see moulded clips along the bottom edge of the cover and  two sided clip opposite holes alongthe centre line of the bumper beam. I might take the beam off and fit the beam to the cover, with the cover on the floor

I was going to recommend taking the beam off. You can press the beam on to the skin that way and will give you visibility of the clips.