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Topic: MK3 Aircon into MK2 anyone got a guide? (Read 12965 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: MK3 Aircon into MK2 anyone got a guide?

Reply #30
I got a drain pipe valve off a MK4 Golf at the scrappy for free today! However because my bulkhead hole was slightly out of alignment (5mm too high) I couldn't get the valve to fit over the drain pipe. The solution was to slightly elongate the hole in the bulkhead and it fits fine now. The drain pipe valve thankfully has a generous flange on it.
FYI The HVAC drip pipe bulkhead hole is a 30mm but just remember when using a hole saw that the hole it bores is slightly bigger than it measures!

I've now bolted the HVAC unit in using the original 2 central bolts with the addition of the 2 new bulkhead bolts in the bulkhead recess - It seems secure enough.

I'm hoping I'll get time to put the dash back in this weekend along with replacing the exhaust and fitting the rear bumper with a new removable towbar!! Hopefully I'll get it MOTd next week!

1991 Tornado Red BB 8v GTI Moredoor
2008 Skoda Octy Scout aka dirty diesel

Re: MK3 Aircon into MK2 anyone got a guide?

Reply #31
That's a result!

I had a very quick look at mine this weekend and I too will have to modify my bulkhead with a plate similar to yours.
Something tells me I'll be lucky to get it all running by next summer!
Mk2 Driver
Mk2 Silver 8v
Corrado G60 Turbo
Mk2 Red 8v
Mk2 Grey 16v
Bora 20vt
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3.2 TT Roadster
Mk2 Red 16v
225 TT Coup
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Mk2 BBM R32
911 Carrera 4S

Re: MK3 Aircon into MK2 anyone got a guide?

Reply #32
You won't be surprised to hear I didn't get much done at the weekend. Staining a 40+" (edit foot! ) picket fence interfered with progress and the thing isn't finished yet...wish I hadn't started it  ;)
Tonight I got the exhaust on (replaced my Jetex for a standard looking stainless jobbie) and had to file the bumper mount holes to fit the towbar..a few mm too narrow. It's a brand new one made by Autohak with a removable tow ball. I'm disappointed it didn't fit perfectly! Thinking Tim's idea to buy a bumper already fitted with a towbar might have been a better idea!
I also set to releasing the ignition barrel since I need to replace that too!
1991 Tornado Red BB 8v GTI Moredoor
2008 Skoda Octy Scout aka dirty diesel

Re: MK3 Aircon into MK2 anyone got a guide?

Reply #33
A bit more progress. With guidance from Rubjonny I have wired the blower using the MK3 wiring. I chopped the MK3 blower switch connector off and wired-up to the MK2 blower switch as below:
White to blower switch position 1
White/Black to blower switch position 2
Yellow to blower switch position 3
Red taped up but would go to switch position 4 if I had one.
I've used the original MK2 Red/Black for the live feed.
Tested and working.
The dash is now loosely in and I'm hopeful it will be back together soon!

More pics on the Aircon album
1991 Tornado Red BB 8v GTI Moredoor
2008 Skoda Octy Scout aka dirty diesel

Re: MK3 Aircon into MK2 anyone got a guide?

Reply #34

Hey! That's looking really tidy, good job! 8)
Mk2 Driver
Mk2 Silver 8v
Corrado G60 Turbo
Mk2 Red 8v
Mk2 Grey 16v
Bora 20vt
Mk2 Green VR6
Mk2 Green ABF
Mk2 BBM 20vt
3.2 TT Roadster
Mk2 Red 16v
225 TT Coup
3.2 TT Coup
Mk4 Anniversary
Mk7 Red GTI Performance
Mk2 Red GTI Restoration

Mk2 BBM R32
911 Carrera 4S

Re: MK3 Aircon into MK2 anyone got a guide?

Reply #35
Thanks Monkey. Don't zoom in too much!
I've taken the pics with a £45 GoPro copy. Good quality pics but the date keeps resetting and it's a faff find the pics to download!
1991 Tornado Red BB 8v GTI Moredoor
2008 Skoda Octy Scout aka dirty diesel


Re: MK3 Aircon into MK2 anyone got a guide?

Reply #36
Nearly there....getting the HVAC installed that is!

Today I fitted the dash undertrays and cut down the glove box. Need to get a sheet of black plastic make a back. Probably could have made it an inch or so longer but there should be enough room for some gloves and with a bit of luck some cassettes/CDs.
...actually just remembered I have the Fischer CBox !

Dash installed

I now need to move onto the gubbins in the engine bay.
1991 Tornado Red BB 8v GTI Moredoor
2008 Skoda Octy Scout aka dirty diesel

MK3 Aircon into MK2 - The Makings of a Guide!

Reply #37
An update:
A selection of pics to view...I still haven't sussed how to embed the whole album of pics in the post!

HVAC is all in and the car is useable, its partially back in bits to finish off fitting/wiring the heated seats. I've been WFH since March so  "uncommon" ly need to use the Golf!
I've just bought a heated windscreen which I'd like to get working before the bad weather too.

Still having problems getting some of the parts for the engine bay....MK3 pulleys etc!
1991 Tornado Red BB 8v GTI Moredoor
2008 Skoda Octy Scout aka dirty diesel

Re: MK3 Aircon into MK2 anyone got a guide?

Reply #38
It's been a while. Managed to buy myself some pulleys!

Crank (bargain double act Rib P/N 037105243A & V P/N 037105253) and waterpump P/N 037121031F - circa £20 each off ebay (part numbers provided by guru Rubjonny. Just need to get one for the alternator. However it's probably going to be a better idea for me to get a more powerful secondhand alternator, hopefully it will come with a ribbed pulley. That should mean there are no issues with the additional electrical goodies (which incidentally still need wiring-up!)

I also need to sort out the drive for the PAS pump.. I've heard that I may need to swap the PAS pump for a "long-shaft" pump. Bearing in mind the ribbed pulleys are wider than the V pulleys. Thoughts are I'll have both ribbed and V belts.
1991 Tornado Red BB 8v GTI Moredoor
2008 Skoda Octy Scout aka dirty diesel

Re: MK3 Aircon into MK2 anyone got a guide?

Reply #39
So last weekend I stuck my head under the bonnet......
I "trial" fitted the MK3 alternator tensioner so I could see what was involved. It has mounts for the PAS pump, the aircon compressor and the alternator, the latter  sits lower down than on the MK2. Noted that the MK3 has a shorter PAS pivot bolt than the MK2 so referred to "guru" Jon on that other well known site. Jon confirmed I needed to swap the whole PAS pump set-up including the adjuster (that works like a MK2 alternator adjuster). He also suggested an upgrade to a 90Amp+ alternator to provide sufficient charge for the extra electrical goodies. Managed to get all 3 bits off ebay from the same seller. He might even have the heater recirc solenoid which would be gr8.
So all I need now is a bit of time and some good weather and swap all that over. Its no fun doing this on the drive!
1991 Tornado Red BB 8v GTI Moredoor
2008 Skoda Octy Scout aka dirty diesel

Re: MK3 Aircon into MK2 anyone got a guide?

Reply #40
Some welcome sunshine "Up North" to help proceedings!
Today I took the standard MK2 radiator off and trial fitted the MK3 condenser I originally got with the HVAC and other bits. It's gonna be a tight fit and I will have to mod the slam panel to cater for the compressor connection. I want to mount the condenser as low as possible but the cross member is restricting my options. I think I might check the weather forecast for the week and have a days holiday of greasy fingers!
1991 Tornado Red BB 8v GTI Moredoor
2008 Skoda Octy Scout aka dirty diesel

Re: MK3 Aircon into MK2 anyone got a guide?

Reply #41
More progress this greasy fingers holiday tho!
Monkey did a reveal of the lupo condensor he fitted to his R32 ali radiator. A browse of ebay showed up a new one for £12.95 delivered..yes really...It would have been rude to leave it, so I ordered it and it arrived earlier this week. The only minor issue is the top pipe is bent but that means it should be less intrusive....that is now fitted to the radiator and a trial fit looks promising. I now need to cut the slam panel so it fits.
I also took the plunge and fitted the ribbed belt crank pulley I bought. I unbolted the alternator, PAS pump and left them connected in the engine bay. I also fitted the MK3 PAS adjuster bracket which looks a much better design. Then put plenty of Plusgas on the PAS pump connector hoping it would release easily....Fortunately it came loose and a further dowsing of 3in1 saw the union revolving round the PAS pipe....Phew!
Looks like the union is an imperial 9/16..'cos my metric spanners didn't fit snug.
I trial fitted the MK3 PAS/alternator/compressor (PAC) bracket which replaces the smaller MK2 PAS bracket but it wasn't fitting snug. Time to call it a day...
So last night I looked at the well-known video repair manual....aka You Tube. I'd fitted the bolt which holds the waterpump/lower cambelt cover with the nut on the gearbox side, hence it was slightly proud!
So now I need some parts...
Loosening the waterpump means I now need a new seal. How much!!!! Thought it would only be a few quid need to ring the B&B guys.
I bought the PAS seal from the dealers thinking it was going to be a large brass washer but what I got was an expensive small seal hoping it's the right one.
I'm also thinking of cleaning and painting the MK3 "PAC" bracket because it's a bit grubby.
I'm hoping I can get everything back together so its drivable in the next couple of weeks.
1991 Tornado Red BB 8v GTI Moredoor
2008 Skoda Octy Scout aka dirty diesel

Re: MK3 Aircon into MK2 anyone got a guide?

Reply #42
Today I managed to grab a few hours off work and had a tinker on the car.
I used some oven cleaner on the PAC mount and its looking a lot better. I did consider painting it but I think I'll leave it as is.
I fitted the MK3 PAS pump. I'm hoping the small seal that fits on the end of the pipe is all that is required. I'll also renew the PAS fluid too since it was a while since it was last changed. I also took the pulley off the waterpump.
I'll take some photos tomorrow so you can see how far over the belts move when changing to ribbed belt and the improved MK3 PAS adjustment.
Bought the waterpump seal from the local VW dealer..£7.30ish.. If I'd been patient and got a list together I could have bought it from VW Heritage much cheaper...but then there is the delivery cost.
The project is "nudging" forward! Yay!
1991 Tornado Red BB 8v GTI Moredoor
2008 Skoda Octy Scout aka dirty diesel

Re: MK3 Aircon into MK2 anyone got a guide?

Reply #43
This is probably aimed at Monkey more than anyone else...

I've looked at the slam panel which I need to cut to allow the rad and aircon condensor to fit correctly. Unfortunately the condensor top outlet aligns with the double-skin of the horn mount....sods law!
I was going to use hole saw and jigsaw to remove the metal with the slam panel in-situ, will that work?
I'm getting a bit fed up of taking more stuff apart before moving's hoping!

A few more pics uploaded to:

Aircon Album

Hopefully I'll get a bit more done the weekend / next week....
1991 Tornado Red BB 8v GTI Moredoor
2008 Skoda Octy Scout aka dirty diesel

Re: MK3 Aircon into MK2 anyone got a guide?

Reply #44
I'd seriously take the slam panel off to do the work, it's actually not too bad, a 10mm socket will see nearly everything you need off.

I had to heavily modify my slam panel, as I have a huge engine and radiator in the way, but you shouldn't have to do this part.
Untitled by Dave Ackerman, on Flickr

If you look at this photo, you can see the notch I had to take out of the slam panel, though you'll won't need the extra bit on the right.
This was just a mock up slam panel I'm cutting about to make everything fit before I fit the good one.
Untitled by Dave Ackerman, on Flickr

I highly recommend you take it off and use a grinder (if you're used to them, that is), as you'll make a better job than a jigsaw.
Mk2 Driver
Mk2 Silver 8v
Corrado G60 Turbo
Mk2 Red 8v
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3.2 TT Roadster
Mk2 Red 16v
225 TT Coup
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911 Carrera 4S