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Topic: JI31 GHG 1991 GTI (Read 5976 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: JI31 GHG 1991 GTI

Reply #15
I take it you reconnected the vacuum hose on the back of the clocks when you refitted them? Other than that I'd check the blue circuit board it's possible there's a break or dry joint and as the blue bit is flexible could have been disturbed in the process. But that will require you taking the clocks out again and maybe it's not worth the effort as I know that's a bit of a ball ache.

Re: JI31 GHG 1991 GTI

Reply #16
I take it you reconnected the vacuum hose on the back of the clocks when you refitted them? Other than that I'd check the blue circuit board it's possible there's a break or dry joint and as the blue bit is flexible could have been disturbed in the process. But that will require you taking the clocks out again and maybe it's not worth the effort as I know that's a bit of a ball ache.

Yeah vacuum hose is on. Hopefully its not the circuit board but its not the end of the world as I'm not that fussed about knowing the mpg! I'll take another look at some point soon.

Re: JI31 GHG 1991 GTI

Reply #17
Expansion tank is quick and easy engine bay improvement. Drained some of the coolant out of the bottom hose till the old tank was empty then its just a matter of removing and refitting the hoses to the new one. Then top back up with coolant. Yes I know the cap is black and these can fail but it's been fine for the last 6 years of my ownership.

Re: JI31 GHG 1991 GTI

Reply #18
13th May 2020 was a good day. Was doing my usual browsing for mk2 parts when I came across a fairly tired set of recaros very local to me. They were dirty and looked a bit worn but had no holes and most importantly the electric bases were present. Messaged the seller, went to view them and made sure the motors worked. Then a deal was done and I took them home.

As you can see, not too bad shape just very grubby.
The drivers lower bolster was shot, so I stripped the seat down to uncover the ruined foam. The foam for the mk2 recaros is unavailable, but I bought one for a ford recaro from capital seating. It needed sanding back with a block to get the shape right and some of the foam needs cutting away. It turned out pretty well, it's not perfect but you wouldn't notice it was different unless you knew.

The rear bench fabric looked a little baggy so I stripped it down to investigate. Turns out the fabric that holds the metal hooks in had completely disintegrated. My girlfriend kindly offered to sew in some new material and I got I second hand bench from dubstock to steal the foam from.

Can see how loose the covers were.

Much better.
The seats didn't come with any door cards so I sourced some separately. With these sourced the seats were ready to fit.

Just need to wire them in now!

Re: JI31 GHG 1991 GTI

Reply #19
With the Recaros in I turned my attention to the wiring. The seats came with a rather tatty but original wiring loom which had been cut, I extended the loom with some new cable and added in an inline fuse. With the loom extended I wrapped it in fabric loom tape and routed it under the carpet to each seat. To get power for the seats I ran the loom up under the dash, used an earth point just below the A pillar and for the live I used an empty space in the back of the fuse box which I'm pretty sure is where the Recaros would be wired in from factory. Didn't take a load of photos while doing this but have a few random ones.

Also found the factory spec sheet from when the car was built under the carpet.

As these seats were originally a factory option for small bumper cars, the rear bench was carpet lined on the back unlike later cars which got the cheaper looking black board. With the seat back and boot floor in black carpet I thought the foam arch covers looked a bit out of place so sourced a carpet set and fitted them. Looks a lot nicer and a bit more luxury than the cheap foam ones from factory, don't really get why they changed it for the later cars.

Re: JI31 GHG 1991 GTI

Reply #20
August 2020, took the van on a 500 mile trip up north to pick up some B-Star RA's. I bought them off Curt, who has a mint bbm big bumper with a super charged vr6 in. Seeing as we were going all that way, made sense to make a weekend out of it. Stayed in a nice little car park next to a lake in the Yorkshire dales for the night before collecting the wheels.

After a good catch up we headed home with the wheels. I love these wheels, I think they're perfect for a big bumper mk2 as the original bbs' get lost in the arches. Would love a set of 7j bbs ra's some day but they don't come up often and are silly money.

Next mod was brakes. Personally I always found the original 8v brakes a bit rubbish, never gave me any confidence. So went on the hunt for some G60 brakes, funnily enough the bloke I bought the car off messaged me saying he had a set with hubs as well. He was only round the corner and the price was decent so I bought them and set about giving them a refurb. As you can see, had seen better days.

Had to drill out a couple of bolts and re tap the holes on the hubs where someone had snapped the bolts for the backing plates. Got my mate to press in new bearings as the old ones felt grim. Then gave the hubs a lick of paint.

Gave the calipers a full rebuild with the kit from Big Red. Stripped them down removing the pistons and seals before sanding them down ready for paint. I was going to paint them red but decided I wanted something a bit more subtle so went with silver which I think looks smart. Fitted new seals, pistons, bleed nipples and sliders. Now ready to be fitted to the car.

Then spent a day fitting the lot to the car, as well as a bigger master cylinder, mtec c-hook discs and braided brake lines from HEL. This is hands down one of the best things I've done to this car, braking feels so much crisper and responsive. Would highly recommend to anyone thinking about it. While everything was off I gave the inner arches a coat of pearl grey to clean them up to.

Apologies for the long post!

Re: JI31 GHG 1991 GTI

Reply #21
Excellent work, tidied things up a treat too, those pistons were well past it!
Mk2 Driver
Mk2 Silver 8v
Corrado G60 Turbo
Mk2 Red 8v
Mk2 Grey 16v
Bora 20vt
Mk2 Green VR6
Mk2 Green ABF
Mk2 BBM 20vt
3.2 TT Roadster
Mk2 Red 16v
225 TT Coup
3.2 TT Coup
Mk4 Anniversary
Mk7 Red GTI Performance
Mk2 Red GTI Restoration

Mk2 BBM R32
911 Carrera 4S

Re: JI31 GHG 1991 GTI

Reply #22
Excellent work, tidied things up a treat too, those pistons were well past it!

Yeah they were definitely well due a rebuild, very satisfying seeing them before and after.

Re: JI31 GHG 1991 GTI

Reply #23
Christmas 2020, my girlfriend surprised me with the Blaupunkt Bremen SQR 46 DAB. I'd had my eye on this stereo for a while as it looks period correct but has all the modern tech. I just couldn't justify spending £400 on a stereo! It was a fairly straight forward install, I just had to switch a couple of wires around on the cars harness. I left out the DAB antenna as I thought it gave away the illusion of it being retro, plus I mainly bluetooth music from my phone.
Overall I'm pretty impressed with it, my only complaint is the feel of some of the buttons and dials. They feel a bit flimsy and cheap, which I think they shouldn't considering how much it costs.

I do need to source some kind of trim for the surround because it looks like something is missing.

Re: JI31 GHG 1991 GTI

Reply #24
It was time to sort the engine bay properly, I've tidied up small bits over the years but I wanted to get it to a state that I was happy with. Thought I'd start with a fairly straight forward job, paint the slam panel. It was scratched and had some rust bubbles by the catch. I removed it from the car and inspected the rust which turned out to be a lot worse than I thought, it had rusted through multiple layers.

So I went on the hunt to find a clean original item, most were very rusty but dubstock had a really solid one but the catch holes had been drilled oversized. I bought this one and set about welding the holes up, so I could redrill them the correct size. The welding wasn't pretty but once I'd ground it back, skimmed it with filler and repainted the whole thing it looked spot on. I got re-plated bonnet latch and catch from dubstock also.

Re: JI31 GHG 1991 GTI

Reply #25
Carrying on with the engine bay tidy up. With the slam panel removed, it gave me great access to the engine and gearbox. To give me even more access I removed the radiator, in the process I snapped one of the bolts that holds the surrounds onto it. So I got another radiator on order. Got some freshly powder coated cross members off ebay to replace my rusty ones. I then set about painting my gearbox, in an ideal situation I would have liked to remove it but I didn't fancy scrambling around on the floor in the single garage by myself so I painted it in situ.

With that painted amongst other things like the starter motor, engine mount bracket and distributor. I then tackled the mess that was the wiring loom, the loom tape had all turned into dust leaving wires hanging everywhere and the dust went everywhere. I removed all the old stuff, cleaned the wires with brake cleaner and re wrapped the loom. I made sure I labelled all the connections with sticky numbers so not to forget where everything went.

To finish things off I got a vibratechnics front engine mount as the after market ones never seem to last very long and I got a new gearbox mount and bracket.

This is the finished result, I'm very chuffed with it. No its not perfect and theres plenty of other little things to do but I wont be afraid to open my bonnet anymore. I'll add a picture of how it looked when I bought it for comparison!

Re: JI31 GHG 1991 GTI

Reply #26
Wow, what a transformation!
Mk2 Driver
Mk2 Silver 8v
Corrado G60 Turbo
Mk2 Red 8v
Mk2 Grey 16v
Bora 20vt
Mk2 Green VR6
Mk2 Green ABF
Mk2 BBM 20vt
3.2 TT Roadster
Mk2 Red 16v
225 TT Coup
3.2 TT Coup
Mk4 Anniversary
Mk7 Red GTI Performance
Mk2 Red GTI Restoration

Mk2 BBM R32
911 Carrera 4S

Re: JI31 GHG 1991 GTI

Reply #29
July 2021, me and my girlfriend bought our first house. Obviously you can see why I bought it, the garage! Now I don't have to drive 15 minutes, to work on the golf and the garage has power so that will make everything 10x easier. Needs a paint and some work benches but all in good time.

Few of small jobs done on the golf:
As I knew the original dealership that sold the car, I thought it would be a nice touch to get some dealer plates made up. I didn't have the template of the original plate so had to use my imagination a bit, but with the help of my girlfriend and 360-gt we got a design together. They came out spot on, cant recommend 360-gt enough.

Ever since having the blaupunkt radio its looked like something was missing. It needed a surround to look factory in my opinion. I found I generic one on ebay and set about cutting and filing it till it fitted. Turned out well and looks a lot cleaner now.

Finally, to match the brightness of the blaupunkt I bought the crazy leds kit off ebay and set about replacing all the bulbs in the dash. Most of its fairly straight forward and the kit comes with a link to some web instructions. I forgot to take any pics of the process unfortunately but all went well. I didn't like cutting open the heater control but had to be done, soldered it back together after. Here is a pic of the finished result.