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Topic: Long term often abandoned 1990 driver project  (Read 592 times) previous topic - next topic

Long term often abandoned 1990 driver project

Hey all,

So heres my mk2 shes been off the road since 2017 due to a worryingly amount of questionable repairs structural/mechanical and visual. I have a young family, full time (all the time) job where I help other people's car dreams come true. At most over the last few years I have probably been able to spend one or two weekends a year working on the old girl. But ive had a huge break through probably the biggest in recent memory.....

We have finally chosen the colour and ive been able to so far paint the bonnet and wings!!!

Judge to your hearts content the chosen color is jlr velocity blue with extra violet pearl.

Photo gallery here
Long term project owner.
Supercar technician.
Family man.
@project_golf_mk2 Instagram