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Topic: BBS body kit compatibility  (Read 1160 times) previous topic - next topic

BBS body kit compatibility

Hi everyone,

I have a 4 door 1989 small bumper golf gti. I have never come across a 4 door with a bbs body kit and wanted to try it. Would I have any issues fitting it on the 4/5 door model?


Re: BBS body kit compatibility

Reply #1
The sill trims sit below the doors so that should be fine.

Standard arch trims don't interfere with the rear doors, but looking at BBS kit photos it looks like the rear arch is a bit more boxy, so may not follow the edge of the door. 

You might be lucky, hard to tell without trying. But if you're clever with fabrication it could still be done, which would be cool.
In which case you'd have to trim the arch, and either make a new edge just on the body, or cut the arch and apply one part to the body and the lip edge to the door, so it completes the arch when the door is closed.

Alternatively, I found this. It's a VOTEX kit fitted to the 5 door.
You can see the arch trims here are more rounded like OEM ones.
It's clear to see here how the rear arch trim follows the door line.

Re: BBS body kit compatibility

Reply #2
Looking at this....

.... the BBS kit might also include the rub strips, in which case they won't work with a 5 door. Although I can't really tell. They might be standard post-87 rub strips and maybe just the front arch connecting bit. The rear arch looks like it has a gap so maybe just lines up with the standard trims.

But you can see here how the arch is more squared off and doesn't follow the round lines of the Votex or OE trims.

Re: BBS body kit compatibility

Reply #3
Thank you very much for your quick reply Eddy! This is very helpful. The boxy rear arches is what I am mainly concerned about but I will probably have to take the arch and test it on the car most likely. If it doesn't fit, the votex kit on the 88' which I never saw looks gorgeous and those lovely headlamp washers to top it off!