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Topic: 1.3CL 86' to 2.8 24v V6 (Read 10683 times) previous topic - next topic

1.3CL 86' to 2.8 24v V6

So here we are on the new forum, I'll slowly migrate my build thread to here but as its 9 years long it could take a while. Not sure how complete it will end up being thanks to Photobucket.

Re: 1.3CL 86' to 2.8 24v V6

Reply #1
Hey everyone.

Won't bore you with too much writing, so I'll make it quick and get to the pictures.

Passed my test last december. Couldn't find reasonable insurance on anything at the time, so I gave up and waited. Fast forward to march. Couple of my mates had insured Minis for a reasonable price with Footman James, So i decided I would try and find something abit different to the normal Clio or Fiesta. Rung them up and was happy to hear that although it was more than I wanted to spend, but I could afford it. So I found a 1.3 and got it.

It's an 86 with 91000(ish) miles. Bodywork is mint, only two bubbles of rust. It was resrayed to Tornado red by the previous owner. (twas the mucky red before i'm not sure of the name)

7 spline grill and BBS RZ ET33's.

It's been lowered, I'm not sure how far down (perhaps 40mm I thought?) It has lowering springs, not coilovers.

Also the other day I found out that it has 5 gears. I'm not sure if it's a 4+e gearbox or something else but it definitely makes motorways more bearable.

It needs a few things sorting out, mainly in the interior. The doorcards are from a newer golf with adjustable mirrors, the stereo doesnt work, and the seats wobble. But I'm hoping to get this sorted out within the next few weeks/months.

Not got anything planned after that I'm afraid. Being a student means money is tight as it is without modifications.

Enough talking here are some pictures,

And here are a few with me playing with my camera.

Anyway hope you like.

Re: 1.3CL 86' to 2.8 24v V6

Reply #2
I shall skip over loads of boring posts of 17 year old me bodging things and generally talking rubbish. There are also no photos on any of these so i'll consign them to history.

Bascially, drove it for a year ish. In that time the head gasket went twice, I put it on coilovers, did a weber conversion, and swapped to a gti interior. I also managed to get one of the previous owners to send some pictures of when they painted it. oh how i wish this never happened  :-X

After the head gasket went a 2nd time, with help of my parents I bought a reliable daily and the Golf went into storage while I was a poor student.

I decided that I would do an engine swap at some point but couldn't decide which engine. Initially I really wanted a tuned PD130 but as time went on I decided the sound of a VR6 would be hard to beat.

Re: 1.3CL 86' to 2.8 24v V6

Reply #3
I started gathering parts, went wide track with MK3 subframe and rear beam, swapped the rear axle to a polo bearing setup, got ripped off on an engine, so had to buy another. Bought a V5 gearbox

All was going well until I dropped a bolt down a coolant passage whilst installing a SAI delete. This is where the pictures take off again so will continue from there....

I haven't found the bolt, but i'm 80% sure its stayed in the head.

Re: 1.3CL 86' to 2.8 24v V6

Reply #4
I did not see with my own eyes as I was working by touch.

The bolt went down the lower hole as I mistook it for one of the proper threaded holes around it. It didn't drop down immediately it sat on the ledge, then I managed to push it further in with my finger trying to get at it. Then Mr bright idea here thought I would just jam something behind it and scrape it out. This is when i'm not sure if it went in or came out. It sounded like the bolt fell a long way, hence assuming it fell into the block. I've searched the drive way and the subframe with 3 different people looking for the bolt just incase it did come out to no avail. It could have been washed away by now as the driveway is on a hill and we have had some very heavy rain recently. Perhaps it rolled from under the car and a Magpie has taken it, i'll clutch at any string right now  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

The passage is not straight, it has like a wall in it. I can get a pair of tweezers approx 7" into the passage and scrape it back to the opening, but alas no bolt appears.

I'm at the point now where I either suck it up and run it, or I source a new head.

Re: 1.3CL 86' to 2.8 24v V6

Reply #5
Feeling very down, but not quite out just yet.

Re: 1.3CL 86' to 2.8 24v V6

Reply #6
So I bought an El cheapo borescope from ebay cause I wanted one last look through the head as I decided I was just gonna run it.

Look what I've found....   :roll:

I got it out. Once id found it, it was quite simple to remove.

Re: 1.3CL 86' to 2.8 24v V6

Reply #7
So managed to get the engine mostly back together.

Cleaned up the block face and the pistons as best I could,

Headgasket on

Headbolts worth a small fortune

Renewed exhaust manifold bolts, old ones were mank and ceased.

Still need to get a few o-rings and guide rails before I can button it up and get it back in the car. There's one guide rail I cannot find for love nor money. The part number is 022109513A. VW say its obsolete, but I'm not sure if it can still be gotten hold of in a full timing chain kit. If anyone knows where to get hold of one that would be great

Re: 1.3CL 86' to 2.8 24v V6

Reply #8
Not much to report really. Engine is still in the garage. Thought I would share my latest purchase tho because it's absolutely beautiful.

Trackslag R32 Downpipe  :D

Re: 1.3CL 86' to 2.8 24v V6

Reply #9

I've finally managed to source a new slide rail from a guy who has started making his own over in Germany. They are great quality and if anyone needs one don't hesitate to contact me and I will pass his contacts details along for you.

So now that it has arrived I can finally get the engine back together and into the car!

It was at this time looking back, I really wish I had changed all the chains in the engine, but money was tight and I  had decided that as the motor was so clean inside it probably wasn't needed.

Re: 1.3CL 86' to 2.8 24v V6

Reply #10
Getting going again now.

Torqued up the cam chain sprocket and got the chain cover back on. Engine is mostly re assembled. A long time ago I decided I wanted a crackle red rocker cover. I attempted to paint it but it looks vile and chavvy and the paint didn't  go down nice at all. So its off for powder coating next week in a nice OEM (ish) black.

Unfortunately there was a lot of pitting around the flange for the thermostat, luckily I had some JB weld at hand so have filled it in and I'll sand it down when it's dry.

Re: 1.3CL 86' to 2.8 24v V6

Reply #11
Been rather busy over the past few weeks.

Engine went in on a very murky wet Saturday. Went in fine, apart from trapping a driveshaft in the wrong place so we had a little game of the hokey cokey.

Had a bit of a faf working out what to do about the oil pressure switches. A MK4 engine uses only one switch where as the MK2 clocks need 2. Luckily the oil filter housing on my engine has a blank to allow me to run both MK2 sensors. It seems like there is very little information on this on the net, but luckily it seems there are a lot of similarities between the 24V VR6's and the 1.8t in terms of how they work. Did a little bit of soldering as I had to replace the MK4 with just a plane spade. The photo below shows the pressure switch and at the oily alan key bolt can be removed and the other pressure switch located in its place.

After all that, I decided to have a go at plugging everything into the fuse box to see if i'd get any lights on the dash. I was rather pleased when it all turned good.

All seems good so far, the engine turns over on the starter with the small amount of juice the battery has in it, but obviously wont fire yet as there's no fuel tank or pump in there yet. Only issue i've found so far is the dash lights don't appear to be working.  :thinking:

Re: 1.3CL 86' to 2.8 24v V6

Reply #12

New intake gasket and cleaned out the throttle body ready for the weekend. A spot of welding is on the cards too.

Re: 1.3CL 86' to 2.8 24v V6

Reply #13
Been busy over the past few weeks.

I quickly made some brackets to spread the pressure of holding the Polo shifter box in.

I grabbed a few of my friends and we had a go at patching the inner arch just behind the fuel filler hole and also sorted the fuel tank mount out. Coated the joins in seam sealer and then a coat of epoxy mastic. Its not pretty and not the best we could do but it will do for the moment.

Took a chance on some cheap silicone hoses from China. The brand got OK reviews so I went for it, still need to figure out what extra bits I need.

Got the LEDS in the dash working, turns out id just been really unlucky and put every single one of them in the wrong way round.

Trackslag downpipe went on.

Swore at the fuel tank trying to put it on whilst rolling around in the snow.

Then yesterday I was brave. Went and got a tenners worth of fuel, l soldered the wires for the MK3 tank and went for it. After quite a bit of cranking there was smoke coming out of the starter. I'd about given up for the day when I noticed a wire had come loose from the fuse box. Plugged it in, the fuel pump and throttle body came to life. Bit more cranking and it finally started catching and eventually spluttered into life. At which point the fuel filter started leaking but that's a job for another day.

Next thing will be cooling system and brakes.

Re: 1.3CL 86' to 2.8 24v V6

Reply #14
Made some good progress recently. Tidied up a lot of wiring got the OBD port wired in and also got the rev convertor working.

I've decided I need to redo some brake lines as I'm not happy with the shaping of them.

Currently though I'm going out of my mind trying to figure out what coolant lines I need to get. Everybody seems to say just use Golf VR6 lines but the Golf VR6 lines I do have don't really fit, but I dont know if that's just because I got Chinese copies or I bought the wrong ones. It's so frustrating. I dont want to drop more money on things that dont fit when I have more important things like an exhaust and suspension to buy.  :frustration:

Oh and to top it off the sump is leaking.