Hello! February 21, 2025, 09:07:13 AM Hello all,I am new and a brit based in Brunei! I have recently stumbled across a Mark 2 GTI sitting in someone's garden round the corner from where I live. It turns out the guys garden it's in is not the owner. I have managed to track down the owner and he is willing to let the car go for restoration - amazing news! The car has about 230,000 Km on the clock, seems very original with blaupunkt radio etc but has BBS wheels on it. The owner tells me he bought it in 1987 as his first car. I have never done a restoration project before but it is always something I have wanted to do. It will be a steep learning curve. The car currently has about half a foot of water in the footwells with mould everywhere. Which chat forum on this website is best to use to post photos and videos of the car to get thoughts on a restoration?Thankyou for your support.Ross
Re: Hello! Reply #1 – February 22, 2025, 01:37:52 PM Welcome to the forum. Good luck with the restoration. I believe you need a certain number of post before you can post pictures. Bbs alloys were an option for the golf they should be bbs ra's.
Re: Hello! Reply #2 – February 24, 2025, 03:10:40 AM Hi,Thanks for the reply. I am not sure how I am going to build up a certain number of posts first - what do I post about before posting pics and asking about the restoration? Maybe I just need to go into other forums and reply to stuff.........Thanks for the info on the wheels, I had no idea BBS where an option. Although the single owner of the car told me he put them on after he bought the car, they look exactly like BBS RA's to me. I am trying to get the car from it's current location, in a garden, to my driveway, hopefully soon.
Re: Hello! Reply #3 – February 24, 2025, 11:32:22 AM Best of luck moving it if it has that much water inside its going to be heavy. First place to look for water ingress has to be through the doors they have a plastic membrane stuck to the door and they always fail. Take the door cards off and you will see what i mean. There are other places that water enters after all they are old cars.
Re: Hello! Reply #4 – February 25, 2025, 05:05:51 AM Thanks - I got it moved onto my drive yesterday, a tow truck sorted it for me. Since I don't have the key and the steering locked, it was quite tricky but 1.5hrs later it was on my driveway!I am going to start by removing the water and making it as dry as possible before I start cleaning it and seeing what I am dealing with. I am thinking to take the seats and carpets out and see what condition the floor pan is in. I am wondering what an 'ideal' order of events would be in a full restoration and if someone has that posted anywhere?I need to do some research to see if I can source parts, here in Asia - I should have done this before but I just wanted to take this project on an deal with all the challenges as I go.........I can't stop looking at it, it looks so cool, even in this state!
Re: Hello! Reply #5 – February 25, 2025, 06:28:02 AM Here are some pics of my car......https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TyfTs5PYMAiswnmZ8On1Pl4vkcQFrf9F?usp=sharing