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Topic: Mk 2 16v restoration  (Read 7185 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Mk 2 16v restoration

Reply #30
All your photo links from the past couple of posts seem to be broken

Try these, sorry about that.
16V GTI under restoration
Learning a lot  as I go along

Re: Mk 2 16v restoration

Reply #31
Engine block painted. Oil pump arrived.. Ready to start assembly. Just mulling over the big end bolts. Genuine not available. Old genuine  or new third party bolts....

A prize for anyone that can tell me what is wrong in this photo.
16V GTI under restoration
Learning a lot  as I go along

Re: Mk 2 16v restoration

Reply #32
Fantastic work on the pistons! Great Transformation.
I replied to your other thread, but I'd go for ARP bolts, just for piece of mind.

BTW, stared at that photo of the head for longer than I should have and can't find the problem!
Mk2 Driver
Mk2 Silver 8v
Corrado G60 Turbo
Mk2 Red 8v
Mk2 Grey 16v
Bora 20vt
Mk2 Green VR6
Mk2 Green ABF
Mk2 BBM 20vt
3.2 TT Roadster
Mk2 Red 16v
225 TT Coup
3.2 TT Coup
Mk4 Anniversary
Mk7 Red GTI Performance
Mk2 Red GTI Restoration

Mk2 BBM R32
911 Carrera 4S


Re: Mk 2 16v restoration

Reply #33
Thanks Whats ARP?
16V GTI under restoration
Learning a lot  as I go along

Re: Mk 2 16v restoration

Reply #34
Well, the engine shop took out the exhaust manifold studs, presumably to help when they did their skim and valve seat stuff and a few helicoils. I was whiling away a few minutes happily sticking them all back in. When I'd finished  I noticed i'd put them back on the wrong (inlet) side - and that takes bolts!  And I've got some lovely new stainless ones for that. 20 more mins to take them out and put them in the right side!

Sorry, no prize! 

Like I say, learning as I go along!
16V GTI under restoration
Learning a lot  as I go along

Re: Mk 2 16v restoration

Reply #35
Oh Yeah! I completely missed that!!
ARP are the industry standard for upgraded engine bolts.
Their head bolts are very popular as you can re-use them.
American, but plenty of UK stockists.

Think I got mine off ebay.
Mk2 Driver
Mk2 Silver 8v
Corrado G60 Turbo
Mk2 Red 8v
Mk2 Grey 16v
Bora 20vt
Mk2 Green VR6
Mk2 Green ABF
Mk2 BBM 20vt
3.2 TT Roadster
Mk2 Red 16v
225 TT Coup
3.2 TT Coup
Mk4 Anniversary
Mk7 Red GTI Performance
Mk2 Red GTI Restoration

Mk2 BBM R32
911 Carrera 4S

Re: Mk 2 16v restoration

Reply #36
Thank you. I see them. £147 a set.
I've got the Febi Bilsteins now. Aside from not being being re-usable, now I have them is there any real contraindication to using them, do you think?

16V GTI under restoration
Learning a lot  as I go along

Re: Mk 2 16v restoration

Reply #37
They are much stronger than standard, so if you were going or big power or particularly high revving, you;d certainly want a set.
I put them in the VR as we were charging it.

But Febi ones should be more than adequate for a normal rebuild.
Mk2 Driver
Mk2 Silver 8v
Corrado G60 Turbo
Mk2 Red 8v
Mk2 Grey 16v
Bora 20vt
Mk2 Green VR6
Mk2 Green ABF
Mk2 BBM 20vt
3.2 TT Roadster
Mk2 Red 16v
225 TT Coup
3.2 TT Coup
Mk4 Anniversary
Mk7 Red GTI Performance
Mk2 Red GTI Restoration

Mk2 BBM R32
911 Carrera 4S

Re: Mk 2 16v restoration

Reply #38
Fair warning: If you get over-excited by VW Golf engines being worked on in machine shops, look away now.

Smallest overbore, just really to make the cylinders perfectly round again.
Honing the new bores.
Cutting the valves and seats.
Planing the head.
Time to reassemble the head.
Head ready for another 125k miles!  Or maybe just to look at!

I warned you!

Work done by Sussex Engineering Supplies in Bognor. Lovely guys. Kelvin the mechanical magician.
16V GTI under restoration
Learning a lot  as I go along

Re: Mk 2 16v restoration

Reply #39
Gosh those big end bolts were hard to find. Cancelled orders x 3! Finally secured them from GoSpares -  I hope, fingers crossed - they say they are in transit - woohoo!  Thanks  so much for the tip on this site. 
Now,  does anyone know where I can get some door bins with speaker pods in them without paying the Earth...?? 

16V GTI under restoration
Learning a lot  as I go along

Re: Mk 2 16v restoration

Reply #40
Hmm. Bit of a set back today on the big-end bolt front. I had asked the engineering shop if I should bring them in or have a go, and they said have a go.  The bolts are a very tight fit and I had to wind them in using a nut with increasing numbers of washers, with brass ones at the bottom end to stop them damaging the con-rod. 
It looks like they've come out of the con-rod at a slight angle, as now I cant get the cap on.  Also, by eye it looks like the flat shell case may be distorted near the bolt exit, so I think I may have wrecked the con rod. Ah well, back to the engineers shop Monday for advice! Left the other three pistons well-alone!

On the plus side, the crankshaft went into the main bearings a treat, at least. Spins nicely free after torquing them up - and i didn't forget to put in the piston oil sprays first too!

Onwards and upwards
16V GTI under restoration
Learning a lot  as I go along

Re: Mk 2 16v restoration

Reply #41
Got the new con rods and Pistons in and torqued up today, and put a few bits on the front of the engine.
Bottom end before Oil pump.
Lovely new pistons Took me a while to master the wind-up Snap-On spring compressor, then easy peasy.
Sump on - Oh, yes, bolts are all stainless. The wife insisted - at least I think that's what she said...
I don't know why I painted the breather red - just got in the queue when I was painting other stuff!
I'm having problems finding the right replacement crank end bolt.  Thats another thread!
Head next....
16V GTI under restoration
Learning a lot  as I go along

Re: Mk 2 16v restoration

Reply #42
Found some lovely genuiine roof bars still in the box on eBay too, just like when I used to take the windsurfer down to the beach.  Had to buy 'em,.... Thinking  ahead maybe....
16V GTI under restoration
Learning a lot  as I go along

Re: Mk 2 16v restoration

Reply #43
Had a day to do some more Golf today, weather, permissions, etc. all in place. Wohoo!!.

Drove down to the workshop to put the cylinder head on and get the cams and timing sorted, but you can only achieve so much when the timing chain turns out to be the wrong one! Got the head on and did some frittering about with sensors and swapping in stainless bolts and nuts etc., where I can, then came home and ordered a new timing chain.  Hopefully finish off the cam end and assemble the clutch end next time.
16V GTI under restoration
Learning a lot  as I go along

Re: Mk 2 16v restoration

Reply #44
Looking good that and look forward to seeing the results post body shop. I'm just waiting to move house and will be following a similar journey to you - strip down and send the shell off to the bodyshop.

Your alloys will look nice and were an optional extra back in the day. I have teardrops on mine but will be getting a set of period BBS's too.