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Topic: DRive shaft bolts (Read 960 times) previous topic - next topic

DRive shaft bolts

Can I re-use the driveshaft bolts (@ 140k miles) , or do I need new ones. Can I use stainless, or are they high tensile? Thanks very much in advance. 
16V GTI under restoration
Learning a lot  as I go along


Re: DRive shaft bolts

Reply #1
I've reused mine previously, doesn't mean that's correct though.

Re: DRive shaft bolts

Reply #3
I’ve always reused... but worth checking they’re still tight after a couple hundred miles (don’t ask me how I know)
Oh dear. Sounds a bad day.
I snapped a driveshaft (in a Mk3 VR6) once at traffic lights.  Thankfully all fixed under warranty that time (it was 6 weeks old!).
I wonder if VW would make a similar goodwill gesture to my 33 year old 16v now ....
16V GTI under restoration
Learning a lot  as I go along