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Topic: KWP '90 Alpine White GTI 8v - Belfast (Read 6871 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: KWP '90 Alpine White GTI 8v - Belfast

Reply #16
Car looks great.
I had the same problem with my heater fan, moving the connector/ cable to get it working and the fault was the resistor pack. Bought a new resistor from B & B components.

I think this is the way it's going for me tbh, trying to source the resistor is proving awkward for some reason... Many of them seem to state LHD.. is that important or I'm guessing they're not sided?

Re: KWP '90 Alpine White GTI 8v - Belfast

Reply #17
Re the temp sensor.
If the issue is with the temp guage in the car it is the black sensor that you may need to change. B+B on ebay sell them and give great service/delivery. Not sure about to Belfast tho.
I think the blue one is to do with the mixture etc. My blue sensor failed and caused havoc making the car undrivable.

Changed the black coolant temperature sensor tonight, nothing changed..

Guessing next step is to check dash connections.

The fuel gauge also doesn't work so will hopefully get both fixed in one go..

I honestly despise the electrical checking etc... I have no real experience with that

Re: KWP '90 Alpine White GTI 8v - Belfast

Reply #18
Link to B&B aka tierod69
1991 Tornado Red BB 8v GTI Moredoor
2008 Skoda Octy Scout aka dirty diesel

Re: KWP '90 Alpine White GTI 8v - Belfast

Reply #19
Another white MK2... if it weren't for the indecently good looking driver in your picture, it'd be like looking in the mirror!

Health to enjoy it, I'm not a million miles away - just beyond Antrim.

Re: KWP '90 Alpine White GTI 8v - Belfast

Reply #20
Car looks great.
I had the same problem with my heater fan, moving the connector/ cable to get it working and the fault was the resistor pack. Bought a new resistor from B & B components.

I think this is the way it's going for me tbh, trying to source the resistor is proving awkward for some reason... Many of them seem to state LHD.. is that important or I'm guessing they're not sided?
Yes it's a nightmare trying to get a RHD resistor as no one could confirm if the LHD would fit a RHD car and I didn't want to take a risk and buy one. Eventually I came across a new one from B & B components but I've just looked and it's not coming up at the moment. Might be worth contacting them about availability? VW Golf GTI mk2 heater fan resistor C392.

Re: KWP '90 Alpine White GTI 8v - Belfast

Reply #21
Another white MK2... if it weren't for the indecently good looking driver in your picture, it'd be like looking in the mirror!

Health to enjoy it, I'm not a million miles away - just beyond Antrim.

I've been reading your thread thoroughly! I didn't realise you were in NI, yours is substantially cleaner and more original looking than mine!
I may be askin to see yours in person haha

Re: KWP '90 Alpine White GTI 8v - Belfast

Reply #22

Changed the radio from an ugly Kenwood cd player to a an 80s Panasonic tape player

The speakers all need upgraded now, also have a Panasonic amp to attach to it along with matching Panasonic Passive crossovers that were fitted to Malcolm Young's (AC/DC) Jaguar... 🎸

Also fitted bonnet struts this morning.
Bonnet sits a little higher but the improvement is massive (unsure what the mark on the bonnet is.. need to check that)

And this morning was spent tracking down why my fuel gauge and temp gauge don't work.. already changed the temp sender and not working.. dash has been out and contacts cleaned, had the fuel sender out and cleaned up the contacts there.. there's continuity going through it but none in the circuit to the sender.. think it's the earth so trying to source the issue...

The search for the earth issue continues..

Needs a good clean now and to get fixed before settling up for the week

Also got an 8 ball fitted 🤘

Re: KWP '90 Alpine White GTI 8v - Belfast

Reply #23
I've got an 8 ball too! You can tell its the real thing 'cos it's a bit cold now it's winter. I've swapped it for the 'original'....might come back out when it gets warmer!

I also have a mucky "go faster" stripe on the underside of my bonnet. Assume its cr4p off the aux drive belts.
1991 Tornado Red BB 8v GTI Moredoor
2008 Skoda Octy Scout aka dirty diesel

Re: KWP '90 Alpine White GTI 8v - Belfast

Reply #24
I've got an 8 ball too! You can tell its the real thing 'cos it's a bit cold now it's winter. I've swapped it for the 'original'....might come back out when it gets warmer!

Yep, definitely colder than the golf ball I bought from VWH... mines also real as you can see in the screw haha

Any idea how to keep the gaiter up?

Re: KWP '90 Alpine White GTI 8v - Belfast

Reply #25
I'm afraid not. I've got a leather gaiter I hand stitched years ago. Internal stitches to hide my poor sewing. It replaced the fabric one which was disintegrating.
Could you use one of your spare temp sensor rubber seals round the top of the gear stick but under the gaiter if you know what I mean? A bit like you'd twist an elastic band that was too long.
Bit of a bodge..but out of sight.
1991 Tornado Red BB 8v GTI Moredoor
2008 Skoda Octy Scout aka dirty diesel

Re: KWP '90 Alpine White GTI 8v - Belfast

Reply #26
I'm afraid not. I've got a leather gaiter I hand stitched years ago. Internal stitches to hide my poor sewing. It replaced the fabric one which was disintegrating.
Could you use one of your spare temp sensor rubber seals round the top of the gear stick but under the gaiter if you know what I mean? A bit like you'd twist an elastic band that was too long.
Bit of a bodge..but out of sight.

Smart. Very smart... I was playing with this o ring earlier thinking what to do with it haha

If it works, I owe you a beer

KWP '90 Alpine White GTI 8v - Belfast

Reply #27
firstly @AndyBa i owe you a beer - took of the gaiter and surround, doubled up the ring on the stick and put the gaiter back on.. looks like it just left the factory.. kind of haha  :D

earth pin in the fusebox on K/11(if i remember correctly) had come loose.. pushed it in 2mm and it's Lol working now 👍

Fuel gauge is working a treat now!

Still holding off on the suspension setup .. thinking it'll be a sunny weather purchase and job when I can bothered to change it all haha

Update on everything.. (need proper photos)
Installed the instrument cluster again.. but the clocks not playing ball so it's either 1 of 2 things. either the screen is in upside down or the screen is not for the MFA screen I have..(the removal of this dash is becoming second nature now haha this'll be the 3rd time)

Also have ordered the LED upgrades from 'crazyleds' for the interior car lights (dash, switches and fan control), staying green but will mean just making things last a bit easier to read.. apparently..

Also while I had the screen out, I had to solder a connection on one of the cluster bulbs.. so while that was out and hot I decided to fix my blower motor which only had on or off.. had bought some (5 just in case) thermal fuses as they blow meaning it can't resist the power input (hence the lack of fan speeds..) needed to be careful as they can blow under the soldering iron heat.. had a go, plugged it all back in and SUCCESS.. I HAVE ALL THE SPEEDS 💪 however the connection between resistor and fan is dodgy so needs a wiggle every so often.. next thing to fix haha

Headlight loom has been fitted! Absolutely delighted with the upgrade! It only does the dipped beams but it's already a massive improvement with the night breaker bulbs 🤘

Plate holders to be fitted...

Also sneak peek of some things to come...

need a leather repair/clean  - but have always wanted a Momo/Sport steering wheel in a car (teenage Dave is excited haha)

I saw @Dalj thread on his R32 - and his auto antenna was so cool! so i picked up an ebay absolute bargain and will have a play with that!

and finally, the 80's Panasonic Amplifier that will go with my Panasonic radio (apparently this was fitted to Malcolm Young of AC/DC fame, Jaguar XJ...) also have some Panasonic Passive crossovers coming as well  8)

Will update again soon,


Re: KWP '90 Alpine White GTI 8v - Belfast

Reply #28
If your fuel and temp gauges are still acting a bit weird, I suggest you check your 10V source to the temp sensor which is regulated by the small regulator behind the clock. It could work but it can be regulating a weaker voltage or maybe even higher and then you get non-trusted readings from gauges. Mine was completely broken which resulted in non-functioning temp & fuel gauges.  The voltage should be from 9.5V to 10.5V.
Just a Finnish dude.

Re: KWP '90 Alpine White GTI 8v - Belfast

Reply #29
Time for an update.
Plenty has been done - scrolling through my phone to get a time line of events... since my last input i have bailed on the repaired resistor - and bought a new one which fits on the connector better - no issues with the fan at all now.

so - i have repaired my MOMO wheel.. using a leather steering wheel repair kit from amazon. Would highly recommend, taking time to complete each step is a good way to do things.

Kit used



Chuffed with the results - really happy.

also went one step further and found the paint codes for the MOMO Yellow (Traffic Yellow RAL1023) and Red (Traffic Red RAL 3020 for anyone wondering)  - bought small paint pots and filled them in to make the wheel feel completely new. this was the moment where I understood why @L90E goes into so much detail with his build, its well worth those little details

I also got a proper screen for the MFA and replaced that, whilst i was doing that as well i got the LEDS completed on my cluster and dash as well. Replaced the LEDS in the Rear Demist Switch, Fog Light, Headlight switch and also the heater control panel

New LEDS and wheel installed.

also the car was away getting an immobiliser fitted, when back i installed new front speakers, also picked up some AKTIV speaker grills, had to get the rubber grommets to hold speaker = fitted the tweeters included into the dash speaker locations. mounts made from MDF (no pictures of this)

not a massive ICE person - so these do the job, also got the matching kit for the rears and fitted those - the radio however is only 2 channel.. so in comes the Panasonic Car Compo Amp.. (40w+40w)

installed in the tray below glovebox - drilled holes in back of this and wired into the radio with Panasonic 8 pin connector - this now powers the rear speakers. its not the prettiest, and certainly not the most powerful, but it does what i need an I'm really happy with it

ive also been playing around with how to control the Antenna i will install - i want to be able to control it going up and down without having to turn radio on and off.  this is my latest 'protoype'
There is a Japanese spec dash switch for the antenna but it is pretty common actually as hens teeth.

Its not massively OEM - but in theory it will allow me to control it while radio is on.

New badges on the back - 8v OEM style badge from Trimsports..

also got the same badge and whacked it on t3he glovebox (you can see it earlier on)

my most recent venture is VDO gauges - i bought an Oil Pressure gauge and sender.. then was 'gifted' a set of VDO Night Dial gauges from my Father in Law.. now to add to this I wanted to keep my radio and had found a way of installing gauges into where the ashtray is.. however the plastic mount from AwesomeGTI felt expensive (the shipping to NI from Manchester was about £8 weirdly) and that didn't sit well with me.. however someone on the facebook (apologies if someone on here as well) noted that there was a metal one that was almost OEM look/feel.. tracked it down to GAK Motorsports. However he will not post internationally because he cant be bothered (fair enough) so step forward American friends. ordered online to a friend in Ohio who then got it 2 days later and packed it and posted to me
Aluminium GAK Gauge panel + posting to Belfast from USA $35 =£25
Plastic AwesomeGTI Panel + posting to Belfast £35


the outcome of this was well worth it.

excuse the mismatch of gauges - unfortunately the night dial gauges done fit all in this location because of their bezels.. made do with the Audi 80 Oil Pressure Gauge in the middle - still figuring out how to make sure its working.. but that's another story.

oh and my data sticker was old and worn - so id seen the posts about the German eBay guy who makes them - however I thought i could do it myself, I'm handy enough on graphic design...
this is my data sticker redone.. needs corners trimmed

apologies for the long one.
if you're on Instagram follow me @gt_aye_ni