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Topic: Vinyls (Read 751 times) previous topic - next topic


Hi all. I’m looking for a near side sill vinyl and a complete swage line vinyl, to replace some tired / missing vinyl on an early Gti. All the other vinyl on the car is original, so I’m hoping to get something that isn’t noticeably different. Plenty available online just wondered if anyone has any recommendations?

Also, has anyone tried fitting them? As things stand I’m thinking of sending it to a body shop for that.


Re: Vinyls

Reply #1
the repro vinyl looks different and has different feel.   i changed the set so was all the same..  after 3 years its starting to discolour and lift.   Cant remember where came from. 
That said my car is out 24./7 365 days a year...

Re: Vinyls

Reply #3
Hi eddy you cheeky ..... i fit vinyl at the body shop.... what we find is someone cuts and prints them doesnt go to the effort to fit.... that said i do hate doing them...  same as window tinting thats a job for someone with superclean hands and time and patience

Re: Vinyls

Reply #5
Cheers guys. That's good to know. Will let you know how they come out...